P2GreeN Successfully Concludes its Consortium Meeting in Gotland, Sweden

P2GreeN is pleased to announce the successful completion of its consortium meeting, held from May 20-22, 2024, in Gotland, Sweden. This event brought together project partners from across Europe to discuss progress, share insights, and plan the next steps in our mission to create sustainable, circular solutions for nutrient recovery.

Day 1: Engaging Workshops and Site Visits

The meeting commenced early on Monday, May 20th, with participants gathering at Stockholm Central Station for a bus journey to the Nynäshamn harbour. The ferry ride to Visby allowed for focused group activities despite the lack of internet connectivity. Participants engaged in an international policy conference and exploitation workshop, rotating through world café stations to discuss key issues and strategies for influencing EU-level policies.

Upon arrival in Visby, the group embarked on a bus tour organized by the Swedish pilot region team. The tour included informative stops at a urinal rental company, a drying system facility, and field trials, culminating in a beer tasting session at Gotlands Bryggeri. These visits provided valuable real-world insights into innovative nutrient recovery processes.

Day 2: Collaborative Discussions and Interactive Sessions

Tuesday, May 21st, began with team-building activities followed by a presentation on the City of Paris’ St-Vincent-du-Paul case. The day continued with input presentations and interactive sessions, where partners rotated through exchange stations to discuss trade-offs, business model development, legal frameworks, policy briefs, and multi-criteria analysis for follower regions. These sessions facilitated in-depth discussions and collaborative problem-solving among the partners.

The day concluded with a conference dinner at Gotland’s Museum, offering an opportunity for informal networking and further strengthening the consortium’s bonds.

Day 3: Presentations and Strategic Planning

The final day of the meeting, Wednesday, May 22nd, featured presentations and discussions on the outcomes of the policy conference and exploitation workshop held during the ferry ride. Exchange station leaders presented main outcomes, sparking lively discussions and valuable feedback sessions.

A live presentation and user testing of the innovation platform showcased the project’s technological advancements. The meeting wrapped up with the finalization of the EU stakeholder nudging strategy, ensuring a cohesive approach to engaging policymakers and stakeholders.

Looking Forward

The consortium meeting of P2GreeN marked a significant milestone in our journey toward sustainable nutrient recovery. The collaborative efforts and shared knowledge from this meeting will undoubtedly propel the project forward, bringing us closer to achieving our goals.

We extend our gratitude to all partners for their active participation and contributions, and we look forward to continuing our work together.

Follow our social media to view more pictures from our meeting @p2green


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