Highlights from P2GreeN’s 1st Cross-Fertilisation Workshop in Málaga

The 1st Cross-Fertilisation Workshop was held on the 19th of October 2023, during the 2nd transnational meeting in beautiful Málaga, Spain. The event brought together experts, stakeholders, and pioneers in the field of sustainable agriculture, fertilizer management, and wastewater utilization to share knowledge, experiences, and insights.

The success of the Cross-Fertilisation Workshop was due in no small part to the impressive lineup of stakeholders and speakers, each bringing their unique expertise and experiences to the table. Here’s a brief introduction to our distinguished stakeholders:

  • Theodora Nikolakopoulou – Policy Officer for Fertilising Products, DG Grow, European Commission: Theodora Nikolakopoulou represents the European Commission and plays a pivotal role in shaping policies related to fertilizing products, particularly concerning wastewater and nutrient management in agriculture.
  • Anders Finnson – Senior Environmental Advisor & Coordinator for EU work at Svenskt Vatten: He is responsible for coordinating EU-related activities at Svenskt Vatten, a leading water and wastewater association with a focus on circular economy and nutrient recycling in agriculture.
  • Johan Persson – Property Manager at the Technology Administration, Region of Gotland: Johan Persson represented the Gotland region, a critical pilot region with innovative approaches to nutrient recovery and sustainable agriculture practices.
  • Embla Winge – Sustainable Construction Developer, PEAB: Embla Winge is a Sustainable Construction Developer at PEAB, actively involved in sustainable building practices, which play a significant role in nutrient recycling and environmentally friendly agriculture.
  • Christiane Groß – Service Manager of the Municipal Wastewater and Sanitation Service Provider in Hanover: Christiane Groß manages the municipal wastewater and sanitation service in Hanover, a key pilot region where wastewater management and nutrient optimization are essential for agriculture.
  • Leonor Camacho – Responsible for the Environmental Area at TRADE (Business Agency for Transformation and Economic Development), Junta de Andalucía: Leonor Camacho’s work at the Business Agency for Transformation and Economic Development in Andalusia focuses on the environmental aspects of trade, economic development, and sustainable agriculture.
  • Blanca Lucena – International Projects Consultant at AGAPA (Andalusian Agrarian and Fisheries Management Agency), Junta de Andalucía: Blanca Lucena is an International Projects Consultant at AGAPA, where she plays a vital role in developing projects related to agrarian and fisheries management, including nutrient recycling for sustainable agriculture.

The aim of the Cross-Fertilisation Workshops: These workshops are intended to exchange ideas and lessons learned between the three pilot regions and follower regions to set the ground for long-term collaboration among actors and the regions involved. These Cross-Fertilisation Workshops will contribute to the uptake of the project’s solutions, providing insights into the conditions needed to push and upscale the solutions. The P2GreeN project is organizing three Cross-Fertilisation Workshops during the project timeline, with the first one held in Málaga, followed by two more workshops in April 2025 and January 2026. The inputs from these workshops will define governance frameworks and upscaling strategies in the follower regions.

The primary purpose of these workshops is to:

  • Share insights, experiences, and best practices in sustainable agriculture, nutrient management, and wastewater utilization.
  • Foster cross-fertilization of ideas and approaches across different pilot regions.
  • Address the challenges and opportunities in sustainable nutrient management for agriculture within each pilot region.
  • Promote a collaborative approach towards creating sustainable solutions for nutrient recycling and agriculture.
  • Enhance awareness and understanding of the European regulations governing fertilizing products in the context of agriculture.

The 1st Cross-Fertilisation Workshop in Málaga was a resounding success, yielding several valuable outcomes:

  • Knowledge Sharing: The workshop facilitated the exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices in sustainable agriculture, nutrient recycling, and wastewater utilization for agriculture. Attendees gained insights from experts representing various regions and disciplines.
  • Collaboration: Experts from different pilot regions found common ground and identified opportunities for collaborative projects and research in the context of agriculture.
  • Challenges Addressed: Many of the challenges related to sustainable agriculture, nutrient management, and wastewater utilization were discussed, paving the way for innovative solutions.
  • EU Regulations: The insights from Theodora Nikolakopoulou, representing the European Commission, provided clarity on the regulatory landscape for agriculture, nutrient management, and wastewater utilization.
  • Inspiration: The workshop inspired attendees to develop new initiatives that harness sustainable practices in agriculture, nutrient recycling, and wastewater utilization.
  • Networking: The event provided a unique networking opportunity for stakeholders and experts in the field of agriculture, nutrient recycling, and wastewater utilization for agriculture.

The 1st Cross-Fertilisation Workshop during the 2nd transnational meeting of the P2GreeN project was a critical step toward achieving more sustainable and environmentally friendly nutrient management in agriculture. By bringing together experts from different regions and backgrounds, this event laid the foundation for innovative and collaborative solutions that will drive positive change in sustainable agriculture, nutrient recycling, and wastewater utilization.

To view the recording of the workshop, follow the link below:

Workshop Link

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